Monday, May 28, 2007

Shaken, not stirred

The Business
26 May 2007

SUMMER is a whirlwind of parties, dinners, barbecues, concerts and smart sporting events. It is a time for elegant, sophisticated wines and chilled Champagne. Yet for many the warm breezes and light evenings lend themselves to a lighter, more jovial... read more...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Microbreweries raid the fruit aisle
The Globe and Mail
23 May 2007

It’s starting to look like somebody handed the keys to the nation’s microbreweries to a restless vodka distiller. Have you scanned the specialty offerings at your local beer store lately? Orange, green apple, black currant, blueberry – they sound more... read more...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

When beer is not a beer

San Francisco Chronicle
15 May 2007

WHY ARE drinks with names like Smirnoff Ice, Jack Daniels Country Cocktails and Bacardi Breezers classified as beers? That’s not a trick question. The Alcohol and Tobacco Trade Bureau in the U.S. Treasury Department has found that distilled spirits... read more...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Pour harvest
The Daily Telegraph (Sydney)
09 May 2007

It will become harder to find a wide range of cleanskin wines over the next few months and even harder to source great wines in nameless bottles. The cause is this year’s small grape harvest — down by half on 2006. Reports of soaring wine prices across... read more...